Get ready to adventure with companions who you belong with, whoever and with all that you are, so long as you’re committed to always journeying further into awesomeness together. “Fit-In Culture” types NOT welcome, “Consent Culture” is required particularly for quest leadership opportunities but you are explicitly allowed to forever be a work in progress with us.
We will be offering regularly meeting Conflict Intervention Practice Sessions (CIPS, pronounce it “sips” and bring your preferred non-intoxicating calming beverage to enjoy) both virtually and in-person in various settings, as well as other community-building activities primarily centered on building relationships between people who live near enough each other to be helpful in times of need, sharing our joys and struggles as full members of the type of beloved communities we all long to belong in.
If you’ve seen the Yeung family around General Assembly in Pittsburgh, we are the founding family (the oldest kids are the origin of the domain name – Ahmie altered what the “AF” was for to be more all-ages appropriate, but yeah, we’re UUAF in the other “AF” as well – Ahmie & Garvin have been UUs since they were newlywedded 23-year-olds, William was born when they were 27 after being gestated at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reston, Virginia).
Ahmie has brought an abundance of her crochet creations (link to a Google Photo album of some photos) that are available for donations toward our efforts to launch this (right now we are self-funding). Electronic donations can be sent to CashApp, Venmo, and PayPal – we are YeungFam on all of them until we get a banking situation set up for the Fellowship, please indicate that the payment is towards the Fellowship and the money will be set aside to fund things like better hybrid meeting equipment and providing funding for in-person folx to join us on adventures that they wouldn’t be able to afford on their own (such as going to amusement parks as a group). If you don’t want any crochet items, making a donation to support our beloved community is always appreciated.

Regardless of your capacity to give financially, we are always grateful for the gift of sharing your stories with us and being a part of our shared stories of community. We are working on creating spaces to share that, for now we have a Facebook group.